What if there were a secret cache of information—within your current EHR/RevCycle solution—that could instantly uncover the gaps in your charge/revenue capture processes?

What if this same metric could guide a prioritized game plan for optimizing your whole organization around revenue cycle management (RCM) best practices?

If that sounds appealing, you may want to join the ranks of revcycle leaders using DNFB (“Discharged Not Final Billed”) data to achieve quick gains that include:

  • Methods for generating claims faster
  • Strategies for accelerating AR
  • Pinpointing omissions and errors in charge capture
  • Rooting out “hidden” gaps in non-integrated systems

Organizations that are able to leverage available data in this way, typically see significant progress against objectives like reducing the need to “downcode” reimbursements, reductions in their delinquency rate, and other operational efficiencies.

What’s more, the tracking and reporting of metrics like DNFB can improve regular communication between managers and senior leadership—providing the clarity of a consistent high-level KPI.

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