
Thu, June, 7th 2018

[Uploaded File]

Matthew has uploaded files to: North Atlantic RUG (NARUG)

See these files and others at:
CMIOs Perspective on Optimizing Provider Documentation NARUG 2018.pptx
Cerner Ambulatory Implementation htn presentation_ 6.3.2018.pptx
Congressional-T-1-HealtheIntent Presentation - NARUG - June 5.pptx
Congressional-T-3-Removing extraneous paper and fax SBM_NARUG.pptx
Congressional-W-2-Ricardo Rodriguez NARUG.pptx
Pennsylvania-T-1-MedStar Quality Optimization work in PowerChart - Subin James.pptx
Congressional-T-2-Cerner Coach RUG v4.pptx
Pennsylvania-T-4-Package Chase 2.pptx
Pennsylvania-W-2-Implementation of a Predictive Analytics Tool in an Acute Care Hospital.pptx Sullivan.pdf
Regency-T-4-Childrens Connect Cerner NARUG Presentation 6-5-18-FINAL.pptx
Royale III-T-1-NARUG Slide Deck Heather Makowski Horsky 2018.pptx
HERSHEY Implementing eCoach Partnering for Success.pdf
Royale III-W-1-NARUG IRFPAI Custom mPage 05_29 (2).pptx
Royale III-W-3-Addressing the Opioid Epidemic in the Acute Care Setting.pptx
Royale II-T-2-The Use of Care Pathways to Standardize Care.pptx
Royale II-T-3-VItalsLink Implementation_GLRUG 2018.pptx
Royale II-W-1-Cerner Training Redesigned Swanson VCU Health.docx
Royale I-T-2-Task Cleanup PP NARUG.pptx
Royale I-T-3-Softek Charge Capture Is your system creating a charge for every order How would you know.pptx
Royale I-T-4-Adding Dictation mobilty presentation cerner event June 2018-a.pptx
Royale I-T-4-mobilty presentation cerner event June 2018-a.pptx
The Alliance for Genomics - TAG - Summary - June 4 2018 final.pptx
Royale III-T-3-Implementing eCoach Partnering for Success.pptx
Royale II-W-1-Cerner Training Redesigned Swanson VCU Health.pptx
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